A Big Day

Well, some people (Rudy) might say that today is important because of the super bowl but for me the day seems to be important for family reasons. It is Nas’s birthday and there will be a celebration at The Ranch. Nas was delighted with the monsters I have been constructing and would like one with a baby so I have finished stuffing and sewing one and it has a tiny baby in its front pocket.

At noon I walk down the highway and up to Augusta and James’s place to go for a swim with Callum. I am hot and dusty by the time I get there and the pool is a welcome reprieve. It is a strange pool. It is relatively small (about 6 by 9 feet) but it is about 6 feet deep so I have to stand on my tiptoes. Callum loves it. He splashes around, frog kicks his legs and giggles. After a cool off I take the dusty hot road home.

Supper comes soon enough and I am back on the same dusty path for the birthday celebration. The food is delicious, the kids are sweet and the evening air is cool and refreshing.

After the festivities Bridget walks me home. It was a win win day for me. Not completely so for Rudy. Although the super bowl game was exciting and he had a good spot at the bar right in front of the TV (there were many people standing on the street looking in at the screen), his team did not win. But that is the way it works sometimes. He didn’t seem to be entirely devastated when he arrived home. It seems that the experience is just as good as the outcome.

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