Beach Day

Today is going to be a beach day. Lots of sand, salt, and heat. James and Augusta pick us up with their golf cart with all the paraphernalia (umbrellas, diaper bag, sun screen, towels and blankets) and off we go. Gus and Callum and I trek to the beach from our parking spot and James and Rudy go for food. We are at the beach where all the fishing boats are and although this is a good choice for calmer waters it is not so good in terms of beach traffic. We do manage to eat our lunch (sand and all) and sit by the ocean edge with Callum playing in the water and sand. But when Augusta and I go for a swim there is lots of action back on the beach with boats coming in and out .Also,  large trucks and tractors are kicking up sand as they pull the boats up out of the water to higher ground. By the time Gus and I are done swimming, the blankets and umbrellas have had to be moved and Rudy calls it a day and heads back to our place. The rest of us manage to hang out a little longer but it is too loud for Callum to fall asleep in his beach tent so we head off home as well.

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