Life in Sayulita

The vacation has changed. Suddenly we are in a place where I know lots of people. Well, that may be an overstatement but I certainly am acquainted with many of Wes and Bridget’s friends. When in the company of either of them, I cannot go many places without them being greeted by passersby in the street or in a restaurant. Besides that, there are the people I know. Luca and Chia (Tessa’s kids) call out when they pass by me on the way home from school with their caregiver. “Hi Aunti Nome,” calls Luca, “It’s Aunti Nome, Chia, (he says as he nudges her). Aunti Nome is back.” When up at James and Augusta and Callum’s place, Nas, (Kaleigh’s boy), climbs the stairs to the balcony with a Coco Fresco. “Pops (his grandpa and my brother Wes) and I cut down the coconuts. Pops is bringing one up for you.” He snuggles and plays with Callum and chats with me. Later in the evening Wes texts me to say that he and Bridget are taking a drive around town in the golf cart and should they pick up Rudy and I for a drive and sightsee. It all seems pretty natural to me. I am used to the rhythms in Sayulita. But it is strange for Rudy and strange for both of us to suddenly have more people that just the two of us to hang out with.

Today Augusta and I decide to go “shopping”. Augusta drives over in the golfcart with Callum strapped in the carrier in front of her. We head downtown and find a parking spot in the congested street. We head straight to Wa Kika for a paletas. I choose a Mango Chili one and Augusta a plain yogurt one so she can share it with Callum. He is wild for it and keeps grabbing his mom’s arm to pull it to his mouth. Afterwards we wander through some shops and wish for some of the brightly and intricately painted animals and mystical creatures. (alebrijes). Augusta tries on beautiful leather hats with beaded bands. After a few stores we head back. Even though shopping doesn’t necessarily mean buying I really enjoy having someone wander with me.

I come back to the house to find Rudy deep in his book. I join him. After 3 o’clock we head down the street to Don Juan’s for a drink while we wait for Wes and Bridget to pick us up for a trip down the road to San Pancho. Wes, Bridget and I are volunteering at a 3 day music festival in San Pancho at the end of February. Rudy is going along for the ride. When we get to “The Ranch” Rudy decides to stay back as it is too crowded in the truck. The long and short of this quick decision is that I have the key to our place in my purse which leaves Rudy stranded for hours. All seems to be redeemed however when we arrive back and Rudy has a delicious fried fish, mashed potatoes and vegetables at Don Juan’s.

So this is life in Sayulita.

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