Hike to San Pancho

This morning we have a jungle and beach walk planned. Augusta and James and Callum pick us up and we drive to get breakfast pastries and drinks for the hour and a half walk to San Pancho (the next village up the coast). The day is cooler than usual so we are glad about that. We head up Avenida de Palmar and the houses are beautiful. This is a nicer part of town. When we get to the end we take the dirt trail and then climb the rocks along the edge of the ocean until we get to an easier trail. We follow this awhile until we get to a huge beach that is more private. You can only access it by walking in. It is beautiful.

The tides are low enough that we can go through the tunnels. Gus is excited. She has never been here when that is a possibility.

After walking an expanse of beach we are back into the jungle. Even though it is not rainy season, it is lush. There are built up areas where mountain bikers have built jumps and other obstacles. The last bit of the walk is along the highway and then into town. The town is lovely. The streets are wider, the sidewalks wider and it is just a bit more genteel than Sayulita. Rudy likes it. Augusta and James spent a week here with friends so take us to a restaurant that they like. Delicious. Afterwards we take the bus back to Sayulita. Rudy and I decide we might spend our last week in Mexico in San Pancho.

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